Patent databases

  • Newport Premium (limited subscription, login* K. Schneiderová) patent information, data exclusivity, regulatory information, competitors profiles, development pipelines,  API sourcing, API consumption data by region by dose form, and routes of synthesis data, API licensing etc.
  • Derwent Drug File (limited subscription under STN, login* K. Schneiderová) is the definitive source for information on all aspects of drug development, synthesis, evaluation, manufacture and use. It provides references from the worldwide pharmaceutical literature going back to 1964. An estimated 20 percent of the data in Drug File is not available in any other drug database.
  • Delphion - Thomson Reuters - a robust patent research and analysis solution from Thomson Reuters. With more than 40 million documents from the world's top patent collections, Delphion ensures you get a comprehensive perspective of a particular technology or industry.
  • Prous Science Drug Data Report (not subscribed) patent information, clinical development information, over 10 000 new molecues per year. Retrospective since 1988.
  • GenericsWeb (limited subscription, login* K. Schneiderová) pipelines, molecules, patents, industry...
  • Chemical Asbtracts (limited subscription under STN, login* K. Schneiderová) most authoritative and comprehensive source for chemical information. CAS databases, including CAS REGISTRYSM, the gold standard for substance information, are curated and quality-controlled by CAS scientists.